Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Moral and Constitutional Responsibility

As I type this, the President of the United States is reading from his teleprompters before a crowd of professional applauders. Yay, Socialism. Yay, Big Government Spending. Hooray for Meaningless Catch Phrases: Fiscal Responsibility. Moral Alternatives. Economic Recovery.
"We're going to cut the deficit." A little hard to swallow, in my opinion, coming from an administration that has already tripled the deficit in its first two months. "We're going to make quality health care affordable to all Americans." Yeah, right. More meaningless catch phrases, read from an array of teleprompters, before the cheering masses.
Look. The bottom line is this. Your health care is your responsibility. I would LOVE for there to be some massive, magic bucket full of money, from which those needing some for their medical expenses could grab a grand here or there. But that's not how life works.
When the government tells you it's going to improve your life, ask around and see how many people have been HELPED by the government. Go to the library and dig into the archives. See how many people were happy with Jimmy Carter's government help. Read up on the New Deal and the Great Society and other Liberal Democrat Socialist programs. When the government promises to pay for your medical expenses, ask people who've lived in places like Canada and Great Britain about their government-provided medical care. Ask about the ratio of quality versus cost. It's there, sure. And so are the taxes to support it. Pay more for less. Yay, Socialism. .
Paying for your health care is your responsibility. I don't understand why this is such a difficult concept for so many Americans to accept. How you get the money is up to you, as long as you don't take it from me.
And therein lies the rub. The American way of life includes ownership of the fruits of our own labor. It includes the simple, well-established responsibility for our own (and our families') expenses. When those elements of our way of life are threatened, Americans have a moral responsibility to protect our families from Socialism in all its forms. We have a constitutional responsibility to oppose the enemies of our way of life. Find a means of political resistance. Hold a tea party. Look up "We Surround Them," and "Grassfire.org," or seek alternatives to the Parties of Big Government Spending.
We have a responsibility to return this country to its individualistic, non-Statist way of life. We have a responsibility to end attempts at Socialist Wealth Redistribution and Post-American Globalism.


It's a moral and constitutional responsibility, and it supersedes anything anyone can read from a teleprompter.