Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why I Miss the Cold War

I’ve heard quite a bit about “Why don’t they like us?”…Ron Paul (I think he’s a senator or congressman) says it’s our fault that the rest of the world doesn’t like us. He says, “They don’t hate in a vacuum. It’s our policy.”

Something someone said to me the other day kinda stuck with me. I was describing an initiative that my company took in Iraq to ensure acceptable living conditions for the workers of a company that had been contracted by the US for some sanitation work on a military base.

Let me clarify that. My company (at the time), the dreaded Halliburton, whom everyone seems to hate these days, sent me to another company’s labor camp, to ensure that this other company’s bosses were taking good care of their people. They weren’t, so we “greedy” Halliburton folks grouped together and worked toward the improvement of their living conditions. Our actions eventually got that other company (who was a subcontractor of ours) to clean up their act.

“And somehow, we’re the bad guys,” he said.

Yeah. We’re the bad guys. Even within our own country.

Well, it seems to me like, if you want to know why they hate us, you have to know which “they” you’re talking about. So, toward that end, here’s a short list:

The Mexicans don’t like us because we invaded Iraq. They showed us that by roundly booing Miss USA – in fact, they chanted, “Osama! Osama!” while she was on stage. They also evidently don’t like us because we provide work for more than 20 million of their countrymen, without requiring anything from them – not even taxes.

The French never did like us. If you doubt that, spend a weekend in Orly and then you tell me. But they really don’t like us right now because we put a stop to their corrupt Oil-for-Food program.

The Canadians think we’re stupid. Check in with David Suzuki on that one (evidently, Canadians are smart because they have his television show about environmentalism, and we’re not, because we don’t).

The Nigerians really, really don’t like us. The most popular bumper sticker in Nigeria is the likeness of Osama Bin Laden, “because he stands up to the Americans.” But they sure don't mind coming here and working in our factories and shops.

The Somalis don’t like us, because we went into Somalia. Also because we pulled out of Somalia.

The Sudanese don’t like us, because we both went into and pulled out of Somalia. They also don’t like us because some people are talking about taking action against the Sudan – and also because we’re not taking action in the Sudan.

The Rwandans don’t like us because we didn’t go into Rwanda and Burundi. I wonder if they'd like us if we had?

The Angolans don’t like us because we didn’t go into Angola. They also don’t like us because we’re in Angola.

The Serbs don’t like us because we went into Kosovo.

The Kosovars don’t like us because we struck a deal with the Serbs. The Kosovars also don’t like us because we struck a deal with the Kosovars – which is also why the Serbs don‘t like us.

The Iraqis hated us for invading Iraq in 1991, then hated us for pulling out of Iraq in 1991, then loved us for invading Iraq in 2003, but now they hate us for invading Iraq in 2003.

The Iranians didn’t like us because of our support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, and they don’t like us now because of our military action against Iraq.

The Kuwaitis loved us for invading Iraq in 1991, but don’t like us for invading Iraq in 2003. They loved us for staying in Kuwait after the Gulf War, but don’t like us staying in Kuwait now.

The Saudis don’t like us because – well, because we’re not Saudis. Also, they don’t like us for stationing troops on their land, except when they’re being invaded by neighboring powers. And because we “allow” the women in our country to be seen in public.

The Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Saudis, Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Omanis, Yemenis, Qataris, Libyans, Algerians, Tunisians, Somalis, Sudanese, Eritreans, Djiboutians, Iranians, Afghans and Pakistanis don’t like us because we support Israel.

The Israelis don’t like us because we support the Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Saudis, Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Omanis, Yemenis, Qataris, Libyans, Algerians, Tunisians, Somalis, Sudanese, Eritreans, Djiboutians, Iranians, Afghans and Pakistanis.

The Afghans loved us for invading Afghanistan and deposing the Taliban in 2001, but now they don’t like us for invading Afghanistan and deposing the Taliban in 2001.

The Nicaraguans don’t like us because we opposed the Sandinistas in the 1980s, while supporting Honduran-based Contra insurgents.

The Hondurans don’t like us because we secured their border with Nicaragua and stifled the illicit drug trade during that crisis. They also don’t like us because we removed most of our troops from that region, and allowed the illicit drug trade to flourish again.

The Panamanians don’t like us because we invaded Panama to depose Noriega. They also don’t like us because it took so long to invade Panama and depose Noriega.

The Chinese don’t like us because we support Taiwan, condemning our military might while we park our warships in Taiwanese harbors to protect the Taiwanese from the Chinese.

The Taiwanese don’t like us because of our economic ties to the Chinese, and because we invaded Iraq.

The North Koreans don’t like us because we’re worried that they’ll nuke South Korea.

The South Koreans don’t like us because we’re worried North Korea will nuke them. They also don't like that we invaded Iraq. Nor do they like that we keep reminding them that they also invaded Iraq.

The Japanese don’t like us because we’re worried North Korea will nuke South Korea. And because we invaded Iraq. They also don’t like us because we keep reminding them that they’re also worried North Korea will nuke South Korea, and that they also invaded Iraq.

The Spanish don’t like us because we invaded Iraq. They feel we’re too zealous in our fight against terrorism. They also don’t like us because we remind them that they also invaded Iraq, and that the difference is that we didn’t cut and run when the war became difficult.

The Germans don’t like us because we invaded Iraq. And no one knows about invading other countries like the Germans.

The Russians don’t like us because we want to build a missile defense system, which would make their #1 export, old Soviet-era ICBMs, obsolete. And because we invaded Iraq, which showed the world that their #2 export, crappy old Soviet-era tanks, are also obsolete.

Let’s see…did I miss anyone? Obviously the Columbians don’t like us because their cocaine cartels suffer when our cops seize shipments, but I don’t know if that counts for much any more.

NOW…YOU TELL ME…Is there anyone on this list who has not, in the past fifty years, who hasn’t directly benefited from US foreign aid of some kind? And how many of those countries have returned that favor? One? Two? The Nigerians, for example, who proudly sport pictures of Osama on their cars, can’t get enough of our oil money.

It’s enough to make a fella miss the good old days of the Cold War, isn't it?

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