Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Almost Can't Believe It

This is so good, I almost can't believe it:

I wondered how this Sarah Palin thing would turn out. And so far, it's been better than I'd dared to hope. Ol' Reverend Messiah Lord Utmost Obama X is just beside himself. He just can't believe it. John McCain has stolen his thunder - and his claims of being the "reformer" who will bring "change" to Washington.


I can't believe it either. I can't believe people like P. Diddy,

who shall henceforth be known here on LNDA as Q. Crackhead the Pop Star, has actually changed his name (again). This time he's calling himself So-Rock Obama. And this rapper-turned-Burger King shill has even released a statement, saying (in part):

(Q. Crackhead the Pop Star to Sen. McCain): "I had to check in with you to tell you, you are bugging the f*ck out...You got a running mate from Alaska. Alaska? Alaska. Alaska!" (sounds to me like he's trying to figure out if it's a real place)

(Q. Crackhead the Pop Star to Gov. Palin): "You are not ready to be no vice president. What is the reality in Alaska? There isn't even any crackheads in Alaska. There isn't any black people in Alaska, no crime. There isn't even any foreign policies in Alaska. You need to get versed on black policies. We are the future."

Now, I ask you: Is this the future of American politics? Is this who you want influencing your vote? How about your kids' votes, once they're of age? It's pretty pathetic, isn't it? People like this deserve to be ridiculed into oblivion, not lauded and applauded for their quasi-political nonsense. But Q. Crackhead the Pop Star has vowed, evidently, to rustle up a million "Yoofs voters" (I think he means youth voters) for Obama in November.

Somehow, I think things are taking a turn toward the surreal.

And now for a taste of the real Alaska:

Governor Sarah Palin has enjoyed the highest approval rating of any governor in the United States since the day of her inauguration in 2006. Presently she stands at 86%. She has been the governor of our richest, most diverse (not to mention largest, by land mass) state for one year and eight months.

Check out this article by Alaska news, channel 2 in Anchorage: Spotlight on Sarah Palin.

Unlike the Reverend Messiah Lord Utmost Obama X, Governor Palin has actually brought real, visible, measurable political reform to a nationally-visible elected office. She has changed the politics of her state. She has actually done something about corruption, even within her own party. Her limited experience includes actually taking on the oil companies (in a state where the oil companies used to reign supreme); actually fighting crooked incumbents in both the Republican and Democratic parties (and other, lesser-known political entities in the state of Alaska), including seriously dug-in, long-time political machines; and actually finding room for compromise in the issue of same-sex union.

Obama has done none of that. Nothing even close to it. Not one time, ever. He's never balanced a state (or municipal, no matter how small) budget, never had to meet the actual expectation of serious political reform - and to assert that such reform is even possible within the old Chicago Political Machine is simple silliness.

See, for all his rhetoric about change, hope for a new future, and all that, Obama is a product of a very old, very firmly established political structure. He was recruited, vetted, groomed and led by the hand, by people who have been in power in the poorest parts of Chicago for decades. And in all that time, not the slightest hint of meaningful reform has ever been seen, either within the Machine or without.

If this country were a true meritocracy, Sarah Palin would have Barack Obama beat hands down, all by herself. She is an all-around better person, with more serious accomplishments, and more (and more important) experience. Sarah Palin doesn't use being of a particular color or from a (supposed) particular socioeconomic level, etc, as a smokescreen to hide having only 143 days on the job before running for another office. She doesn't pretend to be on banking committees, or claim undue influence in foreign affairs. She goes to work and actually makes things happen.

And I have yet to hear an effective argument against that.

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