Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Gentle Reminder

Jane Fonda, showing her North Vietnamese Communist friends how much she admires them.

Ms. Fonda is supporting Barack Obama in this election. Of course, this makes sense. After all, once you've travelled to the enemy's capital and revelled in their successes against our servicemen, while sitting in their aint-aircraft positions, it would be out of character for you to vote for one of our boys who got shot down, now wouldn't it?

I'm not advocating voting for John McCain just because he was a POW. The history of the United States is replete with admirable and heroic public servants who shouldn't be president. I'm not bashing Hanoi Jane for choosing a political side to favor.

I am, however, bashing Hanoi Jane for being Hanoi Jane. For glorifying the enemy during a war. For taking sides against this country - the country that made her rich, the country that gave her everything she's ever wanted. For (sorry about the mixed metaphor) biting the hand that feeds her, thus stabbing the whole country in the back.

Just so no one gets the idea that American veterans (yes, that's me) have forgotten, or will ever forget - or will ever forgive her for this, the single most flagrant act of treasonous betrayal in my consciousness.

While I'm not the biggest McCain fan in the world, I can certainly see how Obama and Hanoi Jane are a perfect match, politically. Both are what some conservatives call punitive liberals - that is, the Blame-America-First crowd. These are cynical, jaded people who believe that their freedoms and their rights extend from some magical entity who hands out such blessings only to them. Never mind the idea of military service - that's only for the stupid. Really, that's how these people think. So it's no big deal to be not only anti-war, but anti-military. But only anti-OUR-military, evidently, as it's cool to support the enemy's military. I wonder how many times Hanoi Jane has sat in an American anti-aircraft installation and shown this kind of fawning hero-worship.

These people just make me sick. More to come later today.

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