Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jon Stewart is an Ass

Look at me!!! It's all about what I think!!!

OK, here's the deal. I was gonna leave this guy alone, but I've finally had enough. I would rather pull out my own eyes than watch his show, but the other night I couldn't avoid seeing him. I saw a clip on one of the news programs that featured Jon Stewart being his usual smart-ass self, saying something to the effect of, "... a prominent politican [meaning Obama] spoke to the American people about race as if they were adults."

Jon Stewart is an ass. And I'm being polite here.

Barack Obama's race-baiting speech most certainly did not speak to people like they're adults. It spoke to people like they need their hand held. It spoke to people as if they don't already know that racism exists, or that there is animosity between some members of some minority groups and the mainstream American society.

But that's the problem. Mainstream American society doesn't give a crap about you, Jon. And there's no reason they should (they don't give a crap about me either, and likewise, they shouldn't).

They also don't give a crap about racial division. You know why? Because gulping down the Kool-Aid about the politics of race isn't going to put food on my table, Jon. I'm 37 years old. All my life, I've been told by well-meaning liberals all about how unfair this country is. All about how a Black man can't get a fair shake here. Minorities are systematically kept down by the man.

So here's me. And here's you, Jon. White guy, not old, not especially young, decent education (poor education, in my case). You're pretty successful. I understand you've picked up a few awards, etc. I'm comfortable, myself, in a down-to-earth way. I'm not rich by any means, but I can go out to eat when I want. My bills get paid on time (mostly), and I own a small house. My Jeep is paid for.

So I guess that, according to the liberal, Jon Stewart definition, all this is ill-gotten gains, simply given to me by The Man, because I'm white. Is that it, Jon? Because that's the impression I get from Senator Obama: If you ain't Black, you don't know what it means to struggle.
I'm sick to death of all the "racial divide" bullshit in this country. All people living in this country, whether they're of this race or that, speak this language or that, or are from this country or that, have exactly the same opportunity. The only thing that sets people apart is the work ethic they bring to the table.
I'm willing to bet that Jon Stewart's success is due to years of Jon Stewart working his ass off. It has nothing to do with his race, nothing to do with his religion, and nothing to do with Barack Obama's proposed government programs to "give" more economic opportunity to Black people.
Because those same Black people, when they were infants, lying in a bassinet at some hospital somewhere, were at exactly the same starting line as Jon Stewart was, as I was, and as you were. We all started at the same place.
It's only when we grow up that we can become asses like Jon Stewart.

1 comment:

Dr. John D. Johnson said...

I'm coming to the same conclusion. I try to avoid people afflicted with "liberalism" during the election cycle. A lot of otherwise rational people seem blind to their bias and just plain aren't funny.

I just posted something on Jon Stewart and that led me to your article. http://www.nullsession.net/nullsession/?p=1857