Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Torture Chamber Found in Mosque
You're Such a Racist
Because of course, as we all know, if you're not buying into this whole "Hope and Change" smokescreen, you're an outright racist.
We were discussing the possibility of Bobby Jindal being named as McCain's running mate, when a colleague of mine (a white woman) somehow found the strength to pull her head out of Obama the Messiah's fourth point of contact long enough to say, "Except that he's brown, and the Republicans don't want anyone who isn't white."
Fucking Democrats. Seriously. Not that I'm surprised. But it's so perfectly typical of a Democrat to assume that they somehow have the market cornered on minority matters, and that everyone else is an automatic racist. Somewhere along the line, they've annointed themselves the sole gatekeepers to American morality - If you ain't one of them, you ain't moral.
So there you have it, folks. Vote for Obama or go put on a white bedsheet and start lighting crosses. You damn racist.
I swear I'm going to laugh if McCain chooses someone who isn't white. Just as has been the case with virtually every policy statement I've heard yet from the Obama camp, they won't be able to tap dance fast enough. "Um, uh, um...I meant someone who doesn't have a white shirt..."
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Republicans for Obama
According to the Barack Obama campaign, John McCain's campaign is funded almost entirely by Washington lobbyists and other political insiders. According to Obama, McCain's goal is to stop "this movement for change".
Folks, this is why you get nonsense like this:
I ask you: How, exactly, does a Republican support Obama? What, Republicans for Forced Redistribution of Wealth? Look. It's not just a matter of liking McCain (I don't care all that much for him, either). There are severe ideological differences at work here.
I'm not a member of any political party. But I consider myself a staunch Conservative, with serious conservative values (on most issues). If you're a Republican who supports Barack Obama because you think John McCain is too old, then you're not a Republican. It's just that simple. Obama believes in forcing you to pay for the health insurance of people who don't work and don't contribute. He believes in imposing an artificial and arbitrary cap on a company's income, collecting the balance of that company's profits for the Government, and then redistributing said monies elsewhere.
If you would vote for that, regardless of the reason, then you should stop calling yourself Republican or Conservative, because that's not what we Conservatives believe in.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Do You See A Pattern Here?
Well, here's another example of that kind of (simply astonishing) arrogance. In a World Net Daily piece written by Aaron Klein, we see that Lord Utmost Obama X had no problem visiting Jerusalem's Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism.
Of course, I have no problem with anyone visiting Jewish holy sites. But I wondered at first...Why could he visit the Western Wall but not the hospitals?
Then I got my answer, and here it is: BECAUSE HE WAS ALLOWED TO ADVERTISE AT THE WALL!!!!!!
From the World Net Daily piece by Aaron Klein:
JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama's campaign plastered the entrance to the Western Wall – the holiest site in Judaism – with official campaign posters, WND has learned.
Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld confirmed to WND posters that adorned police barricades erected at the Western Wall plaza for Obama's visit were distributed by the presidential candidate's campaign.
"These posters were his campaign and not the doing of the police," said Rosenfeld, whose police department coordinated security and provided protection for Obama's visit today to the holy site.
Asked if it was traditional practice for politicians visiting the Western Wall to bring along posters or campaign materials, Rosenfeld replied, "No."
Obama campaign posters can be seen in media footage of the Illinois senator's early morning surprise visit to the Western Wall.
His visit reportedly was not on the official campaign schedule.
The posters display Obama's name in Hebrew. One poster erected on the main police barricade used by Obama to enter the holy site boasts the official red, white and blue campaign "O" symbol and advertises the candidate's campaign's website.
A second poster also displays Obama's name in Hebrew and contains an image of Israeli and American flags.
Reuters posted images of the Obama campaign posters showing a handful of people waiting behind the police barricades.
Reuters images had the following caption: "Supporters of U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) stand behind banners printed with his name in Hebrew as they wait for his arrival at the Western wall."
The caption implied supporters brought along the pro-Obama material. But an eyewitness speaking to WND tells a different story.
"The kids waiting for Obama may not even be Obama supporters. No one knew Obama was coming in advance. We saw the police barricades erected. We saw Obama's face on the posters, and some police said Obama was on his way. So a few people gathered by the barricades and waited for Obama," said the witness.
Obama's media relations department in the U.S. did not reply to a WND phone call request for comment.
Obama arrived at about 5 a.m. Jerusalem time. He wore a Jewish skullcap and placed a prayer in the wall he said he had written. He bowed his head while a rabbi read a psalm calling for peace in the holy city.
According to media accounts, one worshipper repeatedly heckled Obama, chanting: "Obama, Jerusalem is not for sale" and "Jerusalem is our land."
After his brief visit to the holy site, Obama headed for Berlin, where he met with German leaders, including Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. He also delivered a major policy speech in front of Tiergarten Park's Victory Column, a 19th century structure in Berlin capped by a gilded angel.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Civilization's last chance; The planet is nearing a tipping point on climate change, and it gets much worse, fast.
And we have, at best, a few years to short-circuit them -- to reverse course. Here's the Indian scientist and economist Rajendra Pachauri, who accepted the Nobel Prize on behalf of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year (and, by the way, got his job when the Bush administration, at the behest of Exxon Mobil, forced out his predecessor): "If there's no action before 2012, that's too late. What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment."
After all, those talks are our last chance; you just can't do this one lightbulb at a time.
Now that those ten years – and then some – have come and gone, and there are more SUVs on the road than ever, and our children are still growing up in this world, nothing has changed. Al Gore is still seen as the hero champion of the environment (an Oscar? Are you fucking kidding me?), and we’re still predicting dire consequences if the stupid masses aren’t properly indoctrinated.
Made to understand.
It doesn’t matter how many times this nonsense is proven wrong. Now we’re all supposed to be terrified about the end of our civilization within a “few short years” if we're not "made to understand" that flying somewhere in a plane is "taboo," while taking the train (whi the hell takes a train anywhere in this country?) is an "absolute priority".
Is this what you think is going to happen? The collapse of civilization? Are you fucking serious?
Do you people actually believe that a big-screen TV "sucks juice" faster than a regular TV? And if so, that it contributes to the thawing of the permafrost?
Or that Al Gore has ever used public transportation in his life?
I'm all for reducing the amount of waste (garbage) each of us generates, and I recognize the need for reducing our dependency on petroleum. But I'm so sick of people acting as if my car is the reason for global climate change.
Get a grip, people. The reason people are against the "combating climate change" bill is because it would enable the government to levy what amounts to an additional tax on businesses of all sizes, payable to a new world court headquartered in Europe. That's a pretty crazy idea, in my opinion - especially since it wouldn't do anything to actually combat global climate change.
Here’s the real problem. Americans (and some others) have become so incredibly narcissistic that we just can’t stand to believe that there could be changes going on within our own world that have absolutely nothing to do with us; changes that were not caused by us, and will not be “solved” by us.
Not by the “350 Project”, and not by you or me. The bottom line is that the “global climate” has been changing since the creation of the planet – every second, every minute, every hour, since the very beginning of the Earth. It was not caused by SUVs or by big-screen TVs, and going back to the Stone Age isn’t going to reverse it.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Hats Off to Texas
This time, you stumble upon a gang initiaiton. Enraged by the intrusion, six teenaged gangbangers descend upon you, leaving you to wonder if you'll ever see your family again.
This actually happened, right here in Texas, in 1993. And the two girls didn't live to see their families again. They were raped and beaten by all five of the boys, and then murdered.
The killers are arrested, convicted of capital murder, and sentenced to die in the state's death chamber. Off to Death Row with them. But what happens next is even more bizarre.
As (at least) one of them was born in Mexico and is here in the US illegally, Mexican lawyers accuse the United States of a number of breaches of international law, sparking a flurry of appeals and hearings that continues for more than a decade.
At issue is a treaty agreement from the 1960s that allows foreign travelers the right to seek legal assistance from their home country. One of the indivduals (read: murdering, raping, butchering animals) who committed this crime declared after his own conviction that he is a Mexican national and should therefore have been allowed by the terms of this treaty agreement to seek legal assistance from Mexico - which he didn't do.
Mexican officials, I presume, got the International Court of Justice involved, and the International Court of Justice ruled that the United States must stop the State of Texas from carrying out its sentence of death until the case can be further reviewed.
President Bush issued a statement requesting that the State of Texas stay the animal's exocution, pending further review. In his statement, the President also said that he disagrees with the ICJ's decision, but would abide by it.
The State of Texas paused for about two hours, and then exocuted the animal.
So, I have a few questions here:
First, what kind of jurisdiction should an "international court" hold over matters of justice within the United States?
Second, should the President have sided with that international court, in a case wherein a foreign national raped and murdered two children in the President's own home state? Is it appropriate for an elected official to turn his back on the intentions of his own people like that? Just who, exactly, is the President elected to represent on an international stage? As a side question, what do you figure Ronald Reagan would have told that International Court of Justice to do with its decision?
Third - and this is the BIG one - What do you think that International Court told the families of those two young girls? Those two beautiful, bright, vibrant teenagers who just happened to be there by accident on that night, and died in the most horrific way imaginable - How much consideration do you figure this International Court has given to them?
And here's a bonus question: How long does it take for such a case to be reviewed? This animal has been on Death Row for years. Again, he committed the crime - he and his friends killed these little girls - in 1993, fifteen years ago. But he didn't claim to be a Mexican national then - that only happened after Mexican lawyers got ahold of the case.
Got another one for ya: In the wording of the original treaty, according to CNN (I have not read the treaty myself, thank you very much), the agreement covers foreign travelers. Not foreign rapists and murderers. Not illegal aliens who've lived in the US longer than they lived in whatever shithole they escaped from. Not gangbangers who rape and murder little girls for fun.
Yes, the State of Texas, against what must have been virtually overwhelming pressure from international courts, Mexican lawyers and the leader of the free world, stood up for their principles and carried out their laws. They did the right thing. I don't like the death penalty - in fact I hate it. But do recognize its necessity. And what's more, I recognize the right of the State of Texas (or any other state) to carry out its own laws, no matter who says what.
So hats off to Texas, and may she continue to take no shit from anyone.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Silly me...
And then I saw this. I guess I was wrong, huh?
But here's the difference: Any pop star can refuse to wear a flag until cornered by the press, and any malcontent can refuse to include his country's flag on his plane. But here's another picture of McCain's plane, which I found only moments ago:
This is said to be John McCain's A4 Skyhawk, shot down by the North Vietnamese in 1967. I don't know if it really is his plane or not, but that's the claim. Now, I'd like to see any supporter of Lord Utmost Obama X draw comparisons with that.
Because I'm pretty sure "McCain's plane" had the appropriate US insignia on it.