Tuesday, August 19, 2008

You're Such a Racist

Well folks, it has finally happened. I was officially called a racist this morning, because of my failure to support Barack Obama.

Because of course, as we all know, if you're not buying into this whole "Hope and Change" smokescreen, you're an outright racist.

We were discussing the possibility of Bobby Jindal being named as McCain's running mate, when a colleague of mine (a white woman) somehow found the strength to pull her head out of Obama the Messiah's fourth point of contact long enough to say, "Except that he's brown, and the Republicans don't want anyone who isn't white."

Fucking Democrats. Seriously. Not that I'm surprised. But it's so perfectly typical of a Democrat to assume that they somehow have the market cornered on minority matters, and that everyone else is an automatic racist. Somewhere along the line, they've annointed themselves the sole gatekeepers to American morality - If you ain't one of them, you ain't moral.

So there you have it, folks. Vote for Obama or go put on a white bedsheet and start lighting crosses. You damn racist.

I swear I'm going to laugh if McCain chooses someone who isn't white. Just as has been the case with virtually every policy statement I've heard yet from the Obama camp, they won't be able to tap dance fast enough. "Um, uh, um...I meant someone who doesn't have a white shirt..."

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