Friday, October 10, 2008

All of Three Seconds

I told someone this morning that I'm tired of the liberal media bias. I was going to leave it at that, but she wanted to press the issue. "Can you give me one good example of liberal bias in the media?" she asked.

"Sure," I said. It took me all of three seconds. Go to, and you'll see this headline:

McCain raises Ayers in anti-Obama ad

See, here's where the bias is obvious. The story leads off with this:

WASHINGTON - John McCain is hammering Barack Obama over his association with former 1960s radical William Ayers in a new TV ad.

Now, you tell me: Would you call a murdering terrorist like Ayers a "former 1960s radical"? Most of his bombings weren't in the 1960, but were instead between 1970 and 1972. William Ayers and his wife were responsible for more than a dozen terrorist bombings in the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Ayers spent ten years on the lam as a federal fugitive, and then beat the system on a technicality – and all the Obama-loving media has to say about him is “former 1960s radical”.

Folks, we're not talking about nasty speeches made on open mic night at the Student Democrats Club. We're talking about wide-open terrorist murders committed in the United States, against United States citizens - some of them military!

And still, the media says "former 1960s radical". One reporter (I guess you could call him that) called Ayers "rehabilitated". What part of this man's past suggests rehabilitation? Can anyone point to some defining moment that rehabilitated him? If so, it would have to have happened after 2007, when he said that he regretted not planting more bombs, right?

You know, to the best of my knowledge, Osama Bin Laden hasn't been able to carry out any large-scale terrorist acts against the United States since 2001. So does that mean the Obama campaign would call Bin Laden a "former" terrorist? A "former" radical?

Of course not. So why Ayers? Because Obama has something to hide here, that's why. Because when it comes to the story of the connections between Obama and Ayers, just as in the connections between Obama and Wright, and Obama and Rezko, Barack has something to hide.

But the media won't pursue that. And that's some pretty blatant evidence of media bias. Don't ya think?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Olberman is an Ass

Ah, once again, the Liberal Media rares its ugly head in defense of the indefensible. Now this Olberman guy (I have no idea where he came from or why he's on TV in the first place) is now calling Sarah Palin's pastor a terrorist.
Of course, check it out for yourself, you can find it on his webpage. Google it. I'm not going to link to it, because it's riddled with advertising, and of course because it's just plain crap. But this is indicative of the kind of people we're dealing with.
These talking-head Liberals don't know the difference between a terrorist like William Ayers, who actually bombed people and was part of an organization that actually killed people, and the Alaska Seccesion Party, which may be nuts but as far as I know has never set a bomb.
These talking-head Liberals apparently don't know the difference between the moderately strange antics of the Assemblies of God churches around this country, which have been steadily gaining ground into the mainstream for decades (and are actually quite normal and tame), and preachers like Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright.
Commentators like this guy, who literally can't tell the difference between a pastor and a bomb-setting terrorist...Is this who you want influencing your kids? And isn't it just par for the course, for such maxi-Liberal farces like this guy, to simply wash over the whole issue of the difference between right and wrong? Isn't it just completely normal for these people to hold someone like Obama up as some kind of hero - and by extension, someone like Ayers - while villanizing Sarah Palin?

This is why I can't stand Liberals, folks. What's wrong with Ayers? EVERYTHING. And I for one am thankful to have at least SOMEONE in this political season to stand behind. Palin isn't perfect, but there are no terrorist skeletons in her closet. The Liberals sent two hundred muck-dredging lawyers into Alaska, and the fact that she has a pastor in the Assemblies of God system is the worst thing they could come up with - so now this guy, this Olberman, who looks like some wierd kind of a joke, to me, has to play attack dog and act like there's a scandal here.

And here's the upshot. The more these moral-compass-less Liberals froth at the mouth about the Assemblies of God and Sarah Palin's connections thereto, the more Christians will vote for her ticket. See the difference between articulate, which Olberman is, and smart, which Olberman is (evidently) not?

PS...As an afterthought it occurs to me that, if Alaska were to become its own country, I would probably want to live there. Heck, I might run for Secretary of State there. WOO HOO!!!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Why Care about Bill Ayers?

Why do people like Sarah Palin care so much that Barack Obama knows William Ayers? After all, when Ayers and his people were bombing the Pentagon and other sites around this country, Obama was only eight years old.
I guess that makes everything okay, then.
So for those of us who either weren't around then, or were (or have since then been) too lazy or unconcerned to do our own research [I fall into both categories], here's a breakdown of the activities of the Weather Underground, which of course was Bill Ayers's group. As you read it, imagine if this sort of thing were happening today. Remember the response those two "snipers" in the Washington DC area brought about: newsmedia, law enforcement from all over the country, people afraid to get out of their cars at the gas pump... Now imagine if the dates on this list were in the 2000's instead of the 1970's:
7 October 1969 – Bombing of Haymarket Police Statue in Chicago, apparently as a "kickoff" for the "Days of Rage" riots in the city October 8-11, 1969. The Weathermen later claim credit for the bombing in their book, "Prairie Fire."

8 October-11, 1969 – The "Days of Rage" riots occur in Chicago in which 287 Weatherman members from throughout the country were arrested and a large amount of property damage was done.

6 December 1969 – Bombing of several Chicago Police cars parked in a precinct parking lot at 3600 North Halsted Street, Chicago. The WUO stated in their book "Prairie Fire" that they had did the explosion.

27 December-31, 1969 – Weathermen hold a "War Council" meeting in Flint, MI, where they finalize their plans to submerge into an underground status from which they plan to commit strategic acts of sabotage against the government. Thereafter they are called the "Weather Underground Organization" (WUO).

13 February 1970 - Bombing of several police vehicles of the Berkeley, California, Police Department .

16 February 1970 – Bombing of Golden Gate Park branch of the San Francisco Police Department, killing one officer and injuring a number of other policemen.

6 March 1970 – Bombing in the 13th Police District of the Detroit, Michigan. 34 sticks of dynamite are discovered. During February and early March, 1970, members of the WUO, led by Bill Ayers, are reported to be in Detroit, during that period, for the purpose of bombing a police facility.

6 March 1970 – "bomb factory" located in New York's Greenwich Village accidentally explodes. WUO members die . The bomb was intended to be planted at a non-commissioned officer's dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The bomb was packed with nails TO INFILICT MAXIMUM CASUALTIES UPON DETONATION.

30 March 1970 – Chicago Police discover a WUO "bomb factory" on Chicago’s north side. A subsequent discovery of a WUO "weapons cache" in a south side Chicago apartment several days later ends WUO activity in the city.

10 May 1970 – Bombing of The National Guard Association building in Washington, D.C..21
May 1970 – The WUO under Bernardine Dohrn's name releases its "Declaration of a State of War" communique.

6 June 1970 – The WUO sends a letter claiming credit for bombing of the San Francisco Hall of Justice; however, no explosion actually took place. Months later, workmen in this building located an unexploded device which had apparently been dormant for some time. 9 June 1970 - Bombing of The New York City Police Headquarters .

27 July 1970 - Bombing of The Presidio army base in San Francisco. [NYT, 7/27/70]

12 September 1970 – The WUO helps Dr. Timothy Leary, break out and escape from the California Men's Colony prison.

8 October 1970 - Bombing of Marin County courthouse. [NYT, 8/10/70]

10 October 1970 - Bombing of Queens traffic-court building . [NYT, 10/10/70, p. 12]

14 October 1970 - Bombing of The Harvard Center for International Affairs [NYT, 10/14/70, p. 30]

1 March 1971 - Bombing of The United States Capitol . " [NYT, 3/2/71] April, 1971 – abandoned WUO "bomb factory" discovered in San Francisco, California.

29 August, 1971 - Bombing of the Office of California Prisons . [LAT, 8/29/71]

17 September 1971 - Bombing of The New York Department of Corrections in Albany, NY [NYT, 9/18/71]

15 October 1971 - Bombing of William Bundy's office in the MIT research center. [NYT, 10/16/71]

19 May 1972 - Bombing of The Pentagon . [NYT, 5/19/72]

18 May 1973 - Bombing of the 103rd Police Precinct in New York

28 September 1973 - Bombing of ITT headquarters in New York and Rome, Italy . [NYT, 9/28/73]

6 March 1974 - Bombing of the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare offices in San Francisco
31 May 1974 - Bombing of The Office of the California Attorney General.

17 June 1974 - Bombing of Gulf Oil's Pittsburgh headquarters .

11 September 1974 – Bombing of Anaconda Corporation (part of the Rockefeller Corporation).

29 January 1975 - Bombing of the State Department in (AP. "State Department Rattled by Blast," The Daily Times-News, January 29 1975, p.1)

16 June 1975 - Bombing of Banco de Ponce (a Puerto Rican bank) in New York .

September, 1975 – Bombing of the Kennecott Corporation .

October 20, 1981 - Brinks robbery in which several members of the Weather Underground stole over $1 million from a Brinks armored car near Nyack, New York. The robbers murdered 2 police officers and 1 Brinks guard. Several others were wounded.

1981 “Guilty as hell. Free as a bird. America is a great country,” Ayers said when interviewed by David Horowitz.

September 11, 2001 “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” Ayers is quoted in NYT article 4/18/2008 5:31 PM CDT on

Any questions? Well, I have one. Do you honestly believe that, if John McCain or Sarah Palin were to EVER have stood on a stage with this man, that he or she would have a political career today?

IF YOU SUPPORT AMERICAN TROOPS, then think about this: Who works at the Pentagon?

I just can't imagine that this country is that far gone - And that's why I care that Barack Obama has had past connections with William Ayers.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sarah Says Something Stupid, Evidently

According to my sources, Sarah Palin has said something stupid.
Let me get this straight. Governor Palin sat for an interview with Katie Couric, and said something dumb about foreign policy. I didn't see it, because I wouldn't watch ten seconds of Katie Couric for all the money in the world (see the post about Couric, somewhere far below). But from what I gather, she said something about Alaska being here, and Russia being there. I haven't heard the stupid part yet, but that's what I was told.
So then, this apparently stupid interview was lambasted by an actress named Tina Fey (or Fay, I don't know which) on Saturday Night Live. Another show I don't watch. Haven't seen it in years. Didn't even know it was still on, actually.
And then we have the Bill Maher thing, where he called her a bimbo on his TV show. Guess what? I'm not one of the three people who still watch his crappy-ass show, either.
Three instances of either Palin saying something stupid, or other people drilling her for saying something stupid. I counted three references to the "Alaska is over here..." remark during a meeting at work yesterday - it's gotten that bad.
So here's my point. Let's count some of the stupid things said by the other side, shall we?
Do you remember when Obama said that his parents met at the march on Selma? In fact, the march on Selma happened when he was two years old. How about when he said a Kansas tornado (which was Bush's fault, by the way) had killed thousands of people, when in fact the death toll was
How about when Joe Biden called Obama "Barack America," said he was running for president and not vice-president, and then called a possible Obama administration "the Biden Administration"? How about when Biden told a wheelchair-bound state senator to stand up, called Obama "clean and articulate" (an obvious racial reference), and said that you need an Indian accent to to walk into a 7-11 in Delaware?
What about when Biden told a reporter that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had said on televesion in 1929 that the people would get through the stock market crash? (FDR wasn't president then, and there was no television.)
I also heard McCain say some stupid things. He accidentally called himself a Liberal Democrat (probably a Freudian slip), and said that his campaign would be despirited, when he meant spirited. I'm sure he;s made a lot more mistakes than that, but to be honest I don't listen to him very often, and would have missed most of what he has to say.
Look, people. We all say stupid things, sometimes. But it's pretty clear to me that, barring any serious REAL problems with her, Sarah Palin is the best person in this race. But she's not a polished Washington politician, and is, evidently, capable of saying dumb shit, just like the rest of us.