Friday, October 10, 2008

All of Three Seconds

I told someone this morning that I'm tired of the liberal media bias. I was going to leave it at that, but she wanted to press the issue. "Can you give me one good example of liberal bias in the media?" she asked.

"Sure," I said. It took me all of three seconds. Go to, and you'll see this headline:

McCain raises Ayers in anti-Obama ad

See, here's where the bias is obvious. The story leads off with this:

WASHINGTON - John McCain is hammering Barack Obama over his association with former 1960s radical William Ayers in a new TV ad.

Now, you tell me: Would you call a murdering terrorist like Ayers a "former 1960s radical"? Most of his bombings weren't in the 1960, but were instead between 1970 and 1972. William Ayers and his wife were responsible for more than a dozen terrorist bombings in the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Ayers spent ten years on the lam as a federal fugitive, and then beat the system on a technicality – and all the Obama-loving media has to say about him is “former 1960s radical”.

Folks, we're not talking about nasty speeches made on open mic night at the Student Democrats Club. We're talking about wide-open terrorist murders committed in the United States, against United States citizens - some of them military!

And still, the media says "former 1960s radical". One reporter (I guess you could call him that) called Ayers "rehabilitated". What part of this man's past suggests rehabilitation? Can anyone point to some defining moment that rehabilitated him? If so, it would have to have happened after 2007, when he said that he regretted not planting more bombs, right?

You know, to the best of my knowledge, Osama Bin Laden hasn't been able to carry out any large-scale terrorist acts against the United States since 2001. So does that mean the Obama campaign would call Bin Laden a "former" terrorist? A "former" radical?

Of course not. So why Ayers? Because Obama has something to hide here, that's why. Because when it comes to the story of the connections between Obama and Ayers, just as in the connections between Obama and Wright, and Obama and Rezko, Barack has something to hide.

But the media won't pursue that. And that's some pretty blatant evidence of media bias. Don't ya think?

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