Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sarah Says Something Stupid, Evidently

According to my sources, Sarah Palin has said something stupid.
Let me get this straight. Governor Palin sat for an interview with Katie Couric, and said something dumb about foreign policy. I didn't see it, because I wouldn't watch ten seconds of Katie Couric for all the money in the world (see the post about Couric, somewhere far below). But from what I gather, she said something about Alaska being here, and Russia being there. I haven't heard the stupid part yet, but that's what I was told.
So then, this apparently stupid interview was lambasted by an actress named Tina Fey (or Fay, I don't know which) on Saturday Night Live. Another show I don't watch. Haven't seen it in years. Didn't even know it was still on, actually.
And then we have the Bill Maher thing, where he called her a bimbo on his TV show. Guess what? I'm not one of the three people who still watch his crappy-ass show, either.
Three instances of either Palin saying something stupid, or other people drilling her for saying something stupid. I counted three references to the "Alaska is over here..." remark during a meeting at work yesterday - it's gotten that bad.
So here's my point. Let's count some of the stupid things said by the other side, shall we?
Do you remember when Obama said that his parents met at the march on Selma? In fact, the march on Selma happened when he was two years old. How about when he said a Kansas tornado (which was Bush's fault, by the way) had killed thousands of people, when in fact the death toll was
How about when Joe Biden called Obama "Barack America," said he was running for president and not vice-president, and then called a possible Obama administration "the Biden Administration"? How about when Biden told a wheelchair-bound state senator to stand up, called Obama "clean and articulate" (an obvious racial reference), and said that you need an Indian accent to to walk into a 7-11 in Delaware?
What about when Biden told a reporter that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had said on televesion in 1929 that the people would get through the stock market crash? (FDR wasn't president then, and there was no television.)
I also heard McCain say some stupid things. He accidentally called himself a Liberal Democrat (probably a Freudian slip), and said that his campaign would be despirited, when he meant spirited. I'm sure he;s made a lot more mistakes than that, but to be honest I don't listen to him very often, and would have missed most of what he has to say.
Look, people. We all say stupid things, sometimes. But it's pretty clear to me that, barring any serious REAL problems with her, Sarah Palin is the best person in this race. But she's not a polished Washington politician, and is, evidently, capable of saying dumb shit, just like the rest of us.

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