Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Olberman is an Ass

Ah, once again, the Liberal Media rares its ugly head in defense of the indefensible. Now this Olberman guy (I have no idea where he came from or why he's on TV in the first place) is now calling Sarah Palin's pastor a terrorist.
Of course, check it out for yourself, you can find it on his webpage. Google it. I'm not going to link to it, because it's riddled with advertising, and of course because it's just plain crap. But this is indicative of the kind of people we're dealing with.
These talking-head Liberals don't know the difference between a terrorist like William Ayers, who actually bombed people and was part of an organization that actually killed people, and the Alaska Seccesion Party, which may be nuts but as far as I know has never set a bomb.
These talking-head Liberals apparently don't know the difference between the moderately strange antics of the Assemblies of God churches around this country, which have been steadily gaining ground into the mainstream for decades (and are actually quite normal and tame), and preachers like Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright.
Commentators like this guy, who literally can't tell the difference between a pastor and a bomb-setting terrorist...Is this who you want influencing your kids? And isn't it just par for the course, for such maxi-Liberal farces like this guy, to simply wash over the whole issue of the difference between right and wrong? Isn't it just completely normal for these people to hold someone like Obama up as some kind of hero - and by extension, someone like Ayers - while villanizing Sarah Palin?

This is why I can't stand Liberals, folks. What's wrong with Ayers? EVERYTHING. And I for one am thankful to have at least SOMEONE in this political season to stand behind. Palin isn't perfect, but there are no terrorist skeletons in her closet. The Liberals sent two hundred muck-dredging lawyers into Alaska, and the fact that she has a pastor in the Assemblies of God system is the worst thing they could come up with - so now this guy, this Olberman, who looks like some wierd kind of a joke, to me, has to play attack dog and act like there's a scandal here.

And here's the upshot. The more these moral-compass-less Liberals froth at the mouth about the Assemblies of God and Sarah Palin's connections thereto, the more Christians will vote for her ticket. See the difference between articulate, which Olberman is, and smart, which Olberman is (evidently) not?

PS...As an afterthought it occurs to me that, if Alaska were to become its own country, I would probably want to live there. Heck, I might run for Secretary of State there. WOO HOO!!!!!

1 comment:

Dr. John D. Johnson said...

Hmmm... If Obama wins and you charter a bus to Alaska, let me know!