Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We Are All Socialists Now...

...and you, Newsweek, are all idiots.
Seriously, this "socialist" rhetoric is exactly the kind of crap that touches off civil wars in only slightly less stable countries. See, there's one MAJOR factor you elitist media snobs didn't take into acount when writing the opinion piece upon which this cover is based: That factor is the PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES. We do not want to live in a socialist country, you self-righteous asshats.
And know this: I am no more a socialist than you are an objective journalist. I will NEVER be a socialist, and I think it's a fair statement that no one who writes for Newsweek has the authority to assert otherwise.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Couple of Opinions

I haven’t posted much to this blog lately. To be perfectly honest, I’ve been kinda bored with it in the last few months. But right now, I feel like I have to express a couple of opinions that may be seen as not related to the usual topic of this blog. I have a couple of other blogs, but these opinions don’t fit any better on them that they do here.

My apologies for the vulgar and unprofessional language included in this post. I just feel strongly about these things.

First of all, Steven Fowler. It may be Stephen instead of Steven, but I don’t give a shit how to spell this asshole’s name. This is the guy who lambasted most of the United States on national television a couple of weeks ago, simply because he felt like he’s above the rest of us.

Seriously. I won’t bore you with the details, because either you’ve already seen the episode or read about it elsewhere, etc, or you’re probably not all that interested – which is a good thing, believe me. While channel-surfing that night, I accidently landed on the ABC show “Wife Swap”, and I was subjected to this piece of shit’s arrogance. Really, it hit me like a Mack truck. I never would have believed anyone could behave that badly toward another person. Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler and Ted Bundy were never subjected to that level of abuse, and I feel sorry for the woman this Fowler asshole was mistreating on the show.
I actually couldn’t watch more than a few minutes of the show, but I’ve read most of the horrible things he said and did – to include telling his small children to join him in his terrible behavior. I wonder if anyone from Child Services (or whatever they call it in California) noticed that?
I read today that his incredibly bitchy wife has blamed his behavior on stress. Really – stress! Anyway, this guy is the reason I won’t be watching that show any more. I realize that my little boycott isn’t going to break them, especially since I’ve only seen one or two other episodes (I try not to watch too much TV, although I’ve been watching entirely too much of it lately). But not watching the show will certainly insulate me from allowing people like Fowler and his circus-freak wife to intrude into my home in the future.

You can even buy an anti-Fowler T-shirt!

Okay, enough about that. Next up is…(drum roll please)…

The United States Congress. What a bunch of asshats. I read yesterday that one of my favorite baseball players, Miguel Tejada, was charged yesterday with lying to Congress about past steroid use.

Honestly, can you believe this bullshit? To shamelessly paraphrase a line from one of my favorite movies: Assigning criminal charges for lying in Congress is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500. Congress only dislikes people lying to them because they can’t handle the competition.

I wonder. Does anyone else feel like these dumbasses should be doing something more constructive with their taxpayer-funded time than persecuting athletes? Like, oh, I dunno…how about opposing this horrible bailout bill that’s going to bankrupt the federal government for generations to come? You think that might be a more useful activity for these people to get into? Seriously. We’ve got bigger problems right now than lying baseball players.

And let me get this straight, while I’m at it. I despise drugs, and I don’t associate with anyone I know to be a drug user. Period. That’s not to say that I’ve never made a mistake or anything, but that would be way back in my strange past, just as it is in the case of most of these baseball players.

But if you were to ask me if I’ve ever done an illegal drug, or whether or not I’ve ever made a misstep in the field of legal matters, the response I give you may or may not be true. And I would have absolutely no problem lying to a politician. I would consider it an act of kindness to address them in their own language.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Does ANYONE in the Obama Administration have to pay taxes?

No wonder the Reverend Lord Utmost Obama X (the Benevolent, the Merciful) has already promised to raise taxes on a certain percentage of the American people! He has a cabinet full of tax cheats to make up for!

Today, Light In The New Dark Ages learned of a yet another Messianic appointee to have “tax errors” is his or her past. This time, it’s Nancy Killefer – and you’re gonna love this.

Killefer was a big wig in the Treasury Department during the Clinton administration, and spent the Bush years making lots of money (my guess is in the millions) as a “Management Consultant” for private practice.

She was appointed by Reverend Lord Utmost Obama X (thy will be done o lord) to be the new – get this – “Chief Performance Officer”. This is an entirely new post, intended to “scrub” government waste.

Oh my goodness. Scrub government waste. It’s gotta be some kind of a joke, right? I mean, how much does this person make? And how many people will be working for him or her? In what world does it make sense to “scrub” government waste by inventing whole new beaurocracies, whole new government agencies, headed by big-shot Clintonista bean-counters with a talent for tax evasion?

CHANGE HAS COME TO WASHINGTON, FOLKS! We've changed right back to the Clinton years! Big government spending and zero moral accountability! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tom Is Deeply Embarassed

“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter. ” - Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998, p. S4507.

It seems that Tom Daschle is “deeply embarrassed” about the irregularities in his tax record.

Deeply embarrassed?
Daschle owed more than $120,000 in back taxes. Not taxes on $120,000 of income over the last ten years or so, but the amount of $120,000.
What, Tom - you forgot? Let me guess: that’s the kind of money you blow on a haircut, right? How much do you have to make in a year to forget to pay $120,000 in taxes on it? How much do you pay when you don’t pay $120,000?

Does anyone remember that big Obama ad? You know, the one where the Reverend Lord Utmost Obama X (hear the angels singing) said, “We now have CEOs making more in one week than most people make in a year. We need to close the gap between Wall Street and Main Street.”
Do you remember that?
Do you suppose Tom Daschle remembers that?

How much does someone have to make in a week, in order to (whoops!) forget to pay $120,000 to the IRS?! How much do you have to make to make that kind of an error?

Now, you tell me: Is nominating your fellow politicians, your political cronies, to high office in your Cabinet - even if those cronies happen to be FELLONS - is that change? Is that the kind of ruling class we need in this country? I thought the Reverend Lord Utmost Obama X (trumpets from On High) promised to transcend all that steaming politics as usual. Didn't he?
Is it me, folks, or is anyone else getting the feeling that the new ruling class hasn't brought a whole hell of a lot of "change" to Washnigton?

I'd Like to Thank President Obama for This Win

They used to thank God, didn't they? Does this mean America has a new god now?
Last night, after the Pittsburg Steelers narrowly edged out the Arizona Cardinals for their record 6th Super Bowl win, Steelers president Dan Rooney - handed the Lombardi Tropy at the microphone - opened with this: "I want to thank President Obama..."
What exactly does Obama have to do with football? Did his presidential nod somewhow help the Steelers win the Super Bowl? Of course not.
Now, don't get me wrong. I understand that Rooney and Obama are good friends - a friendship stemming from Rooney's vocal support for Obama during his campaign for president. And I also understand that this is a free country, at least for now, so Rooney can say whatever he likes, legally speaking. But isn't there such a thing as the right time and place for political shmoozing? Isn't there a limit, imposed by common decency, beyond which we leave politics aside and focus on our sporting endeavors (or whatever else we choose to occupy our lives)?
Shouldn't the Super Bowl be free of a billionaire's vocal support for a Marxist schill?
We're now thriteen days into the Obama presidency, and each new passing day causes me a little more worry. The hype isn't dying down as quickly as I thought it would. It's actually getting worse. I understand supporting Barack Obama. I really do. It's only human nature to reach for the candy instead of the Brussels sprouts, regardless which one is better for you. In another (but not far removed) metaphor, it's the same reason I almost never stop at the convenience store for milk on the way home, but will frequently stop for a Coke. We want what's easy, what's convenient.
We want the candy.
The trouble is, this country is now in the grips of Obama mania. It's scary. Seriously, I'm honestly very worried. When a whole nation falls so solidly under the spell of a single politician - when a whole people becomes so enraptured with one guy, one leader - that the winning football team thanks him for their trophy as if they only won it through his support and glorious permission, that nation is in serious trouble.