Monday, February 2, 2009

Tom Is Deeply Embarassed

“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter. ” - Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998, p. S4507.

It seems that Tom Daschle is “deeply embarrassed” about the irregularities in his tax record.

Deeply embarrassed?
Daschle owed more than $120,000 in back taxes. Not taxes on $120,000 of income over the last ten years or so, but the amount of $120,000.
What, Tom - you forgot? Let me guess: that’s the kind of money you blow on a haircut, right? How much do you have to make in a year to forget to pay $120,000 in taxes on it? How much do you pay when you don’t pay $120,000?

Does anyone remember that big Obama ad? You know, the one where the Reverend Lord Utmost Obama X (hear the angels singing) said, “We now have CEOs making more in one week than most people make in a year. We need to close the gap between Wall Street and Main Street.”
Do you remember that?
Do you suppose Tom Daschle remembers that?

How much does someone have to make in a week, in order to (whoops!) forget to pay $120,000 to the IRS?! How much do you have to make to make that kind of an error?

Now, you tell me: Is nominating your fellow politicians, your political cronies, to high office in your Cabinet - even if those cronies happen to be FELLONS - is that change? Is that the kind of ruling class we need in this country? I thought the Reverend Lord Utmost Obama X (trumpets from On High) promised to transcend all that steaming politics as usual. Didn't he?
Is it me, folks, or is anyone else getting the feeling that the new ruling class hasn't brought a whole hell of a lot of "change" to Washnigton?

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