First of all, Steven Fowler. It may be Stephen instead of Steven, but I don’t give a shit how to spell this asshole’s name. This is the guy who lambasted most of the United States on national television a couple of weeks ago, simply because he felt like he’s above the rest of us.

Seriously. I won’t bore you with the details, because either you’ve already seen the episode or read about it elsewhere, etc, or you’re probably not all that interested – which is a good thing, believe me. While channel-surfing that night, I accidently landed on the ABC show “Wife Swap”, and I was subjected to this piece of shit’s arrogance. Really, it hit me like a Mack truck. I never would have believed anyone could behave that badly toward another person. Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler and Ted Bundy were never subjected to that level of abuse, and I feel sorry for the woman this Fowler asshole was mistreating on the show.
I actually couldn’t watch more than a few minutes of the show, but I’ve read most of the horrible things he said and did – to include telling his small children to join him in his terrible behavior. I wonder if anyone from Child Services (or whatever they call it in California) noticed that?
I read today that his incredibly bitchy wife has blamed his behavior on stress. Really – stress! Anyway, this guy is the reason I won’t be watching that show any more. I realize that my little boycott isn’t going to break them, especially since I’ve only seen one or two other episodes (I try not to watch too much TV, although I’ve been watching entirely too much of it lately). But not watching the show will certainly insulate me from allowing people like Fowler and his circus-freak wife to intrude into my home in the future.
You can even buy an anti-Fowler T-shirt!
Okay, enough about that. Next up is…(drum roll please)…

Honestly, can you believe this bullshit? To shamelessly paraphrase a line from one of my favorite movies: Assigning criminal charges for lying in Congress is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500. Congress only dislikes people lying to them because they can’t handle the competition.
I wonder. Does anyone else feel like these dumbasses should be doing something more constructive with their taxpayer-funded time than persecuting athletes? Like, oh, I dunno…how about opposing this horrible bailout bill that’s going to bankrupt the federal government for generations to come? You think that might be a more useful activity for these people to get into? Seriously. We’ve got bigger problems right now than lying baseball players.
And let me get this straight, while I’m at it. I despise drugs, and I don’t associate with anyone I know to be a drug user. Period. That’s not to say that I’ve never made a mistake or anything, but that would be way back in my strange past, just as it is in the case of most of these baseball players.
But if you were to ask me if I’ve ever done an illegal drug, or whether or not I’ve ever made a misstep in the field of legal matters, the response I give you may or may not be true. And I would have absolutely no problem lying to a politician. I would consider it an act of kindness to address them in their own language.
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