Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Nevermind 9/11: Someone Called Hillary a Monster!!!!

So, an Obama campaign staffer calls Hillary Rodham Clinton a monster and has to resign from the campaign. A conservative radio talk-show host calls Obama a hack (and - egad - mentions Obama's middle name) and gets rebuked by McCain himself. "Senator McCain did the right thing," says Obama.

What the hell are these people going to do when they get into the Oval Office (and one of them is going to get there, unfortunately) and some petty dictator like Ahmadenejad calls him or her a mean name? What then? Demand Ahmadenejad's resignation?

For crying out loud, doesn't anybody else feel like we need a little less sensitivity in this country, and a lot more backbone?

Well, I'll go out on a limb here, and say what needs to be said. Hillary Rodham Clinton is a monster. She's the worst kind of monster, and I still can't believe anyone actually wants her in the the White House. Barack Hussein Obama is a hack, has always been a hack, and always will be a hack. It is my estimation that anyone who wants Obama in the White House isn't paying attention to reality.

It is also my sincere hope that, as this country moves closer to the general election in November, more and more people will begin to realize what's at stake. This country is at war. Period. I don't care if George Bush was right in invading Iraq (of course he was, but that's not my point). I don't care in "Al Qaeda in Iraq" existed prior to the invasion. And I don't care what anyone else thinks about it. This country is at war. What you do when you're at war is: YOU WIN IT. And we can win it. Don't let the pundits and talking heads convince you that this, the most powerful country in the history of the world, can't defeat a ragtag band of fifteenth-century terrorists like Al Qaeda. Don't let Teddy "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy tell you that the war in Iraq is a "quagmire" (we got out of the Kennedy quagmire in 1975, thank you very much).

In 2008, we need to elect a president who will win the war and get our troops home. Period.

Hillary is busy calling for the resignations of people who insult her, probably as a distraction from the fact that she doesn't have ten percent of the foreign policy experience she's claiming. Obama is busy calling for apologies from people who use his full name, probably to distract potential voters from his complete lack of a realistic world view (let alone a realistic plan for this country's future).

This kind of nonsense is exactly why the United States Congress is too busy investigating baseball players to allocate the necessary funds to properly execute the Global War on Terror. It's exactly this attitude that effectively destroyed the NSA Terrorist Surveillance Program (thank you very much, Nancy Pelosi, for further endangering this country for your own political advantage).

Never mind what's good for America - you insulted me, and that's what's important here. You called me an unflattering name. You referred to me by my middle name. You bad person, you.

Maybe a liberal Democrat president will demand apologies from our enemies around the world. Maybe he or she will demand the immediate resignations of those who oppose us. How dare you kill our troops - Now say you're sorry!

But a conservative Republican president will actually fight this war. And John McCain is as close to a conservative Republican as we've got.

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