Monday, March 31, 2008

Today's Cartoon

I know it's an old issue by now, but it's a sad day when the worst president in my lifetime berates the sitting president, in order to gain favor with the international community. There used to be a tradition among former presidents, wherein such derision was reserved for smoky back rooms and then only after said president left office.

But somehow, somewhere along the line, something really ugly happened. The liberal left devolved into the blame-America-first crowd, choosing to side with proven enemies of this country rather than accept (and work with) conservative leadership.

I tend to lump all of these people into one category. To my way of thinking, Code Pink and their lapdogs in Berkeley are the same as a Democrat senator who wants to make a law that I can only make so much money before my profits are capped. Same thing. Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, and Jimmy Carter. Poverty pimps, playing to the fears of the uneducated masses (and the educated and quasi-educated like Cindy Sheehan). These are all examples of what's wrong with America today.

The American way of life includes private enterprise. It also includes Marine Corps recuiters. Further, it includes people like me, supporting our president during a time of war, and has no room for the likes of Pelosi (purposely curtailing our ability to fight the war against terrorists by allowing the surveillance act to expire) and Carter (speaking out irrationally and irresponsibly against a sitting president in a time of war). Why don't we hear these people criticizing Ahmadinijad, or Muqtada al-Sadr? Why don't we see them doing something to actively support our war effort?

Why do we have to fight this war abroad AND fight these miscreants at home?

Great cartoon.

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