Thursday, March 13, 2008

Who Cares Who Pays For It, Right?

A twenty-minute wandering through Barack Obama's website this morning got me to wondering who's going to pay for all these grand schemes he's promising.

Look what he's offering you, the American taxpayer. Mind you, this is just from one or two issues on his "On The Issues" page. There are about thirty issues listed. Comments in blue are mine.

reverse the politicization that has occurred in the Bush Administration's Department of Justice. What the heck does that mean? Does the senator wish to inform the American people at this time that "politicization" doesn't occur within the Democratic Party?

put an end to the ideological litmus tests used to fill positions within the Civil Rights Division So, Obama is saying that he won't fill appointee positions by ideology? What will he use, eeny-meeny-miny-moe?

overturn the Supreme Court's recent ruling that curtails racial minorities' and women's ability to challenge pay discrimination I guess I'm out of touch - but I didn't know the President could overturn Supreme Court rulings. Did you?

pass the Fair Pay Act Here's where we get into the nitty-gritty of the liveral Democrat playbook. Watch how many of these points are designed to (a) first, convince you that there's something inherently wrong with this country, with the world, and witht he way everything is sooo skewed against you that you need our (the government's) help, in order to live; (b) convince you that the unfair nature of the world is due to race, gender, and whatever other class you can identify people with; and then (c) sell you a bloated, big-government "solution" designed to keep those who are oppressing you in their place. In this case, look how unfair pay is. Look how you don't stand a chance without our (the government's) help. Good thing we're ready with a solution, huh?

strengthen federal hate crimes legislation See? Not, "strengthen all criminal justice related legislation", as the majority of crimes are committed by minorities - but specifically legislation concerned with hate crimes, meaning crimes committed against minorities. This is not only pandering, but it's part of a typically liberal platform that seeks to play on the minority mindset that everything wrong is life is the fault of those not in the minority.

sign into law his legislation that establishes harsh penalties for those who have engaged in voter fraud It's not exactly legal right now, is it?

ban racial profiling by federal law enforcement Again with race. How about banning race-baiting by federal politicians?

provide job training, substance abuse and mental health counseling to ex-offenders I wonder if it wouldn't be more fruitful to offer it to those who deserve it, rather than to criminals? Just a thought...

create a prison-to-work incentive program I could've sworn that such a program existed already. But who cares, as long as we can promise yet another federal program. And is there a new federal beaurocracy to go along with it?

give first-time, non-violent offenders a chance to serve their sentence, where appropriate, in the type of drug rehabilitation programs that have proven to work better than a prison term in changing bad behavior. Nevermind the punishment. Send 'em to Club Med. What the heck - the taxpayer'll pick up the tab!

Fully funding the Individuals with Disabilites Education Act "Funding" seems to be this guy's favorite word. Mine's "freedom." What's yours?

Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities He also likes the word "intervention" a lot, doesn't he? How about you leave our children alone, and let them live their lives? Too difficult a concept for ya?

Universal Screening Never heard of individual choice, I guess. Screening of all kinds is universally available now. You don't have to be Dick Cheney to recieve medical care, including all manner of screening. HOWEVER, it's still up to the individual to actually take advantage of it. That little truth would never get an arch-liberal elected, would it?

Vocational Rehabilitation Programs You mean a government version of the vocat5ional rehabilitation programs that are available now? So, the difference is what? (other than who pays for it - because I don't wanna pay for your vocational rehabilitation, and I don't see any reason why I should have to)

American Opportunity Tax Credit: universal credit ensures that the first $4,000 of college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds of the cost of tuition REALLY? You mean every American goes through at least a week of college on the taxpayers' dime? WOW! What a friggin GENIUS! I can't believe anyone wants to elect this guy president

Community College Partnership Program: providing grants to (a) conduct more thorough analysis of the types of skills and technical education that are in high demand from students and local industry; (b) implement new associate of arts degree programs that cater to emerging industry and technical career demands; and (c) reward those institutions that graduate more students and also increase their number of transfer students to four-year institutions. Okay, you see a pattern developing here? YOU PAY MORE so that the GOVERNMENT can FORCE more UNNECESSARY CRAP on PEOPLE who DON'T NEED more UNNECESSARY CRAP.

Authorize a comprehensive study of students with disabilities and transition to work and higher education WHAT?! I don't even understand that one.

Increasing funding for EEOC Of course. I'm surprised he's not proposing a whole new version of the EEOC. Maybe call it the NEE&EOCFAATD (the New Equal Employment & Economic Opportunity Comission for African American Taxi Drivers), complete with a ten-year, twenty-billion-dollar international study commissioned by the United Nations and overseen by the newly-created Office of the State of Race Relations in America, to study the migratory patterns of the African American Democratic Super-Delegate. Add another 2% to your taxes, folks.

I think you see where this is going. Look, folks. Happiness doesn't flow from the hand of some all-powerful, over-taxing government. It flows from your own hard work and a personal determination to find your happiness. As long as you depend on some cradle-to-grave handout system, you'll never achieve anything worth arguing about. It's an ideological struggle, and it's one that we can't simply let go. You have to work for everything you have, because finding your own happiness is your job.
Not the president's. And you shouldn't listen to a politician when he (or she) promises to find it and issue it to you in the form of another federally-funded (meaning tax-funded) program.

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