Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hillary Hears a Who?

Will it never end...

Hillary, perhaps better known as Lady MacBeth, has a television ad out right now, in which a wounded soldier limps along a (I presume) hospital corridor, looking all alone and forlorn, while a grave-sounding voice-over announces, "For every soldier who served so bravely over there, but was ignored over here, she hears you."

Well, well, well. Senator Clinton hears the soldiers. I hope the good senator will hear this veteran. I served over there, over here and elsewhere. I served while our day care facilites, libraries and shopping centers were being shut down to clear up money for more federal welfare programs. My children went hungry at times, while monies that had once been in the family support budget went bye-bye. Federal funding for the military was at an all-time low, after adjustment. They were shutting down our childrens' schools, releasing our civilian employees, and letting our facilities fall to rot. Much needed dollars were being taken away from men who jumped out of airplanes in the Arctic in order to secure our way of life, and given to welfare recipients who'd never sacrificed a thing for someone else in their lives.

The year was 1993, and Hillary's husband was President. This was the height of the "We are the President" era. Before it was over, one-third of the United States military was gone, including entire divisions like the 7th Infantry Division (Light) at Ft. Ord, California (the division was disbanded and the base was shut down) - and whole communities were decimated. What remained was a US military operating at one-half to two-thirds strength, depending on location, while the Clinton Administration sent us into harm's way numerous times, only to withdraw us whenever there were any casualties. Morale, like funding, was at an all-time low for the all-volunteer force.

I'm guilty of a lot of silliness on this blog. Generally speaking, that's because this is, at its core, an exercise in entertainment - my entertainment. I bash politicians with whom I disagree because it's fun. The fact that they suck is really a secondary thing for me.

Except in this case.

Because I was in the Army the first time Hillary Clinton lived in the White House, and it was an absolute, unmitigated disaster for the military. If she gets elected to the Presidency in 2008, AND if she goes back to the old Clinton anti-military 'loathing letter' attitude, we won't have to withdraw prematurely from Iraq. We will lose Iraq completely. And while we're at it, we'll lose a lot of our military as well.

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