Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Boycott Berkeley

Spelling, anyone? And here's where the protestors should feel really stupid: The word under the pink card is "Selection". See, this isn't even a recruiting office they're protesting. It's an officer selection office, which a completely different thing, and has nothing to do with high schools or children or quotas or "predators". But they don't care, do they? Show them the sign that proves they're wrong, and they cover it up with their own misspelled, misrepresented and misinformed assumptions.

This is probably a photoshop. The banner probably read something like "withdrawal" or "pullout" of the American troops. Maybe something more like "desertion" or "Imprisonment". But given that Code Pink gave $600,000 to terrorists in Fallujah WHILE THE US MARINES WERE LOCKED IN AN ALL-OUT, MONTH-LONG BATTLE against those exact terrorists, I'd say whoever did the photoshop job hit the nail squarely on its anti-American little head. Wouldn't you?

Tom Bates, the mayor of Berkeley, California, said this:
"I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don't belong here, they shouldn't have come here, and they should leave."

The Marines don't belong? Are you fucking serious? Is that what the people of California think? Are the people of Berkeley really that far gone? This is the very definition of INGRATE, and in my view, it's tantamount to TREASON. Seriously, this whole Berkeley thing is turning my stomach. Even if you hate the Marines, for a City Council and their elected (I assume) mayor to act this way is the exact antithesis of what I want my children to learn. This is exactly the kind of behavior that made most people in this country turn against their hippie bullshit in the first place.

So here are some resources for supporting a nationwide ban on Berkeley. Fuck 'em. Before you do business with anyone, ask if they or any of their supporting businesses are operating in Berkeley - and if so, thanks but no thanks. This especially goes for tourism. Don't visit Berkeley, especially this coming summer. Tell your neighbors what the Berserkeleys are doing to the United States Marine Corps, and tell people like Code Pink that we support our Marines.

Big Dog:
Center for the Advancement of Capitalism:
How Berkeley boycotts just about everyone else:
Free Republic:
Petition in Support of the USMC:
Intellectual Activism:
Yahoo Answers:
yeah, I know it's Fox, but somehow they're the only ones reporting it straight:,2933,330527,00.html

Cao's Blog is VERY IMPORTANT for anyone who wants to learn about Code Pink's real agenda, and about how these so-called "peace activists" really operate. Warning: This will make you very, very mad:

And here's a great piece from Front Page on just exactly who this Code Pink bunch really is, and who's really pulling the strings behind thsi whole anti-military thing:{3C98A01F-6F98-45A0-86D6-ACA9DE62D1B8}

NEXT UP: An Open Letter of Warning to Code Pink and Like Groups in Houston
IN PROGRESS: Barack Obama's Unacceptably Leftist World View (and you people want this guy to be president?!)

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