Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hey, Where's His Halo?!

Obama supporters puzzle me. I have a co-worker (a normally rational adult) who is wearing blue every day from now through the Texas primary, in support of Barack. She wears at least one Obama campaign button on her blouse every day – yesterday she wore three.

So she’s walking around the office, showing off her willingness to wear the name of a man she doesn’t know and about whom she can’t hold an intelligent conversation – because she doesn’t understand any of his positions. She doesn't understand his positions because he doesn't stick to them, or answer questions with plain, straight talk about exactly what his positions are. She doesn’t realize that she’s wearing blue in support of a candidate who flat-out refuses to display the American flag, because he says it’s not patriotic. Or something like that.

So how does a person who won’t wear the flag on his lapel get thousands of people to wear his name on theirs? How does that happen in America?

Barack has become the poster child for that ubiquitous political catch-word, change. The problem is, “change” doesn’t have any real meaning. Words like that have to come with modifiers, with objects, or else they don’t hold any significance at all. Change your underwear. Change your mind. Change the amount of change in your pocket.

So what change is Barack offering? Well, for starters, he has a plan for universal health care. You have to go to his website to find it, thought - because he won't articulate it in person.

As I’ve shown with my point-by-point analysis a few posts down, his plan is straight Socialism – and it’s almost exactly the same as Hillary’s plan, only worded differently. But it is a plan. Of course, even Barack knows that it will never happen, because health insurance isn’t something that falls within the domain of presidential duties. That’s right, folks – the President of the United States has nothing to do with your health insurance. He (or she, I guess) isn’t an agent for your health care provider, and doesn’t set the rules on who gets insured or for how much. He can suggest sweeping reforms, he can demand sweeping reforms, but that's the limit of his (or her, I guess) power. In order for sweeping reforms to happen, laws have to be made – and that’s the job the Congress, not the President. And for as long as I’ve been following politics, the Congress has been locked in a dead heat on matters of reforming anything.

Barack, of course, spent two years (or was it three?) in the US Senate, which as we all know is one of the houses of Congress. He was in the legislative body that has the power to do it, but it didn't get done! So why hasn’t his plan for universal health care been passed? Well, now we’re back to the Socialist thing. For the reasons why it hasn't been passed in Congress, I'd refer you to my post about why it's Socialist.

Even before Barack’s meteoric assent to center stage – even before he became the apple of George ‘I’d follow him anywhere’ Clooney’s eye – the question on universal health care was long debated and roundly rejected. I’m sure that even Barack’s moonbattiest supporters aren’t toiling under the impression that any of this is a new idea.

But no Congress wants to be the one who took away so much of your money, on the basis of your ability to earn it, and gave it to others on the basis of their need for it. No Congress wants to be the one who crossed the line from charitable giving to forced redistribution of wealth.
And no Congress will do it now, either. Regardless of party, regardless of platform. And regardless of how “articulate” their poster boy is.

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