Monday, February 4, 2008

Inaugural Post

I guess I'm just fed up with typical American ignorance. I'm seeing it everywhere now, even (sometimes especially) in people with much greater education that mine. I'm seeing it pop up in every walk of American life: People who can calculate the effects of some physics equation in great detail, but who still think the price of milk is set by the president.

Tomorrow I'll probably post a story about this group called "Code Pink," a radical feminist peace-activist gang out in California, whose purpose right now is to shut down military recruiting stations in places like Berkeley. First of all, I'm wondering how many people the Marines are getting in places like that, where such openly anti-American activites are actually supported by City Council - and second, I'm wondering how it is that we as a nation are allowing radical groups like this to interfere with military business. But I'll explore this issue further in coming installments here at NDA.

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