Monday, February 11, 2008


Normally when I write a blog post, I try to include a pic or two for context. But in this case, I just couldn't stomach any of the pics I saw online of this Code Pink group.

Part 1 - Some Background

I went to their website, though (link intentionally withheld - you're welcome). What I found was the website of a group who, on the surface, is simply sticking up for its right to free speech.

They want the US to pull its troops out of Iraq (and, I presume, Afghanistan, although I'm not sure they know the difference between the two). That's fine. Free speech being what it is, anyone speaking his or her mind on any topic such as this has my wholehearted support in doing so. I may disagree, but whatever. Disagreement is the whole point to protected free speech.

But I also reserve the right of rebuttal. Because what I found when I drilled a little deeper on Code Pink's website, was a thoroughly disgusting, anti-American, anti-military sentiment that runs deep.

Deep enough to call American troops in the field, during a war, murderers.

Deep enough to launch a whole section of their site dedicated to explaining how to 'combat' military recruiting in your schools.

Deep enough to launch a campaign to get the US Marines kicked out of Berkeley, California.

Now, I know, it's only Berserkeley, but my question is this: How far does a group like Code Pinko have to go before its actions run into Treason? How many members of your organization have to chain themselves to the doors of recruiting offices before someone gets charged with hindering US military operations?

And maybe even more important - What ever happened to Americans being Americans? What ever happened to supporting our military, instead of condemning them?

Marines are not murderers. There have been isolated incidents, yes, but that can't speak to the morality of the whole Marine Corps.

Marines are also not unwelcome intruders. They are the brave and valliant defenders of our liberties, including our right to free speech. They are the selfless, self-sacrificing guardians of Code Pinko's legal right to call them killers.

These Code Pinko people are sickening. They have the right to their opinion, of course - but their opinion is disgusting. This is the lowest form of human life I can imagine: People who thrive, living high on the hog (as we used to say back home), in that affluent American suburban way, never once in their lives wanting for anything, never lacking anything more serious than a fresh coat of paint on their white picket fences, while not only criticizing but actively opposing the very people who secured that life for them.

They make me sick, and I hope they have the same effect on you. These are the kind of people who demonstrate at the funeral services of fallen servicemembers, holding signs that give the thumbs-up to Bin Laden and company. These are the kind of people who spit on returning American veterans who've been in harm's way overseas for a year or more.

I've always known there were people out there who were demonstrating against our efforts in this war. I understand that, to an extent. But the kind of anti-American monsters who throw rocks at passing military folks, hold sit-ins and public breast feedings (?!) on the doorstep of a military recruiting office, and put up websites calling our valliant troops mercenaries - these things are far beyond anything I would have imagined. I'm thoroughly and completely disgusted.

Part 2 - My Message to Code Pink (and like groups)

I understand nonviolence, folks. I'm a Buddhist, after all. And I'd like nothing better than for this war to be over and for our troops to be home - All of them. But if you're connected in any way with a group like Code Pink, I'm begging you to do whatever you have to do to sever those ties immediately, and repent. Beg your country's forgiveness now, before it's too late. You don't have to support the war. But don't let me catch you chaining yourself to the doors of a military recruiting office in my town. Don't let me catch you doing anything to demean or hinder the United States Armed Forces. After all they've done for us - for you - I don't think there's a court anywhere in this country (except in California and probably New York) who'd punish a veteran for defending them.

NEXT UP: Boycott Berkeley!


Average Joe said...

What would make you think someone who didn't know the difference between an "Officer Selection Office" and a recruitment office would know where either Iraq or Afghanistan is even located?

I was a Vietnam War protestor, and it most certainly wasn't the same thing. We exerted our right to disagree, but did not fund the enemy. Our era had the radical SDS (Student Democratic Society), and to the best of my knowledge, as bizarre as they got toward the end, they did not fund the enemy either, choosing to exert their damage on the homefront.

They too were way off base with understanding America and the rights we all have to disagree. THAT is what makes us America, the United States, or however one wants to address this great country. Because of those who serve and protect, we have the fundamental right to have a voice, an opinion, and to be heard without disappearing in the night. But that is also where we have to be careful of any attempt by any group to engage in "Flag Wrapping." No one has a right to disrespect an honest American soldier, doing his or her duty far from home in conditions that these guys can't even imagine. They are America, and funding the enemy - with money, like Pink has done or with words and overt actions - like Jane Fonda did - puts them past the American guarantee of the right of free speech and into treasonous territory. Thanks for getting the word out.

Okashii Budo said...

Hey Professor! You're my first commentor!

Outstanding comment, thanks for posting it!